Hello. My name is Özlem. My department is applied English and translation. I am currently studying at Istanbul Medipol University. This blog will be about technology's contribution to translation.  

Translators have been needed since different cultures have interacted with each other.  But now, thanks to technology, there are many opportunities to facilitate the work of translators.  Translation work can be handled much faster with computer-aided translation programs, applications and dictionaries.

With the introduction of the telephone, the internet and the computer into our lives, there have been important innovations in the field of translation. Nowadays, we need to know a foreign language.  Because we may need a foreign language while watching TV series or movies, applying for a job, surfing the internet, doing homework or playing games. Because of these things and so that people who speak different languages ​​can communicate with each other, some translation applications have emerged.

In this case, translation applications are very useful for us. Today, with the development of technology, translation applications give less bad results than in the past. Now I will suggest you a few translation apps. For example, the longman application is very good in terms of example sentences.  For example, if you type a word in the search button of the longman application, you will see many example sentences about that word.  Or the cambridge app is very good as a word translation.  You can see all the translations of a word in the Cambridge app.  Google translate is good at translating long texts, but it is said that sometimes it doesn't translate very well.


Translation Apps

Today, translation practices have multiplied and developed. Our work is getting easier thanks to translation apllications such as Tureng, cambridge and google translate.

Free Translation Apps

Translation And Technology Related Articles

Today, with the ever-growing technology in our pockets, controlling and adapting to daily life is getting easier. The programs and software used on the desktops and laptops give their places gradually to the mobile applications designed to be used via smartphones, tablets and similar mobile devices. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the usage of the mobile applications supportive for language competence of the students of translation studies with the perspective of learning theories. It is aimed to find answer to the questions of how could the mobile learning theories be explained in relation with translation education, how could the mobile applications are used for translation education and from which perspectives, the mobile applications could contribute to the students’ competencies. The mobile learning theories have been developed within the basis of learning theories as it is seen from learning related studies. In this study, the usage of mobile applications by the students of translation studies is evaluated in the light of learning theories. A yes-no question survey is applied to 100 Applied English and Translation Program students, and the results are evaluated according to the descriptive content analysis. The findings of the research reflect the contributions of mobile applications to the translator/interpreter candidates’ competencies in terms of self-regulated education, more enjoyable and competitive environment for learning, and create a more motivating environment to be willing to learn. As a result, it is suggested that mobile applications may be used as educational materials in translation education. Indeed, the results indicate that different studies about the usage of mobile applications as educational materials can be carried out.                                                                            


Essays I Wrote About Translation Applications

                                                                TRANSLATION APP


    With the introduction of the telephone, the internet and the computer into our lives, there have been important innovations in the field of translation. Some translation applications have emerged so that people who speak different languages can communicate with each other. Nowadays, as technology has improved, translation applications give less bad results than before. There are various translation apps but in my opinion google translate is a good app.


    As far as I know, Google translate is a famous translation application that almost everyone knows now. Google Translate has a lot of features. We can translate 103 languages with Google Translate, which is a very common application. And it does the translation very fast. No matter how long the text you want to translate, it can translate, it can translate the text for you in seconds.


    Another feature is that it translates texts in photos. For example, if there is text on the photo, we can’t translate that text because we can’t copy the text. But thanks to Google Translate, we can translate by showing the photo.


    Another feature I love is the feature called Tap To Translate. Thanks to this feature, you can translate in all apllications. For example, while messaging with someone you speak different languages from any application, we can translate directly by clicking the button on the side of the screen. In short, we don’t need to copy the text and translate it in the Google Translate application.


    To sum it up, in my opinion Google Translate is one of the best translation apps. And now, thanks to the translation apllications that came out with the development of technology, we make our lives easier and save time.



                                                                  TRANSLATION APPS


    Nowadays we need to know foreign language. Because we need a foreign language while watching TV series and movies, applying for a job, surfing the internet, doing homework or playing games. In this case, translation applications are very useful for us. I think Google Translate and Tureng are among the best translation apps. Both are translation applications, but there are some differences between these two applications.


    First of all, we can do both word translation and sentence translation with the Google Translate application. Thanks to the Google Translate application, we can translate long sentences. But in the Tureng application, we can only translate words.


    Secondly, for example, when using the Tureng application, it shows the meanings of the words we don’t know with example sentences. And after we search for a word we don’t know, we put that word on the list so we can practice and look at the list to learn. But there is no such thing in the Google Translate app.


    Finally, Tureng excels at word translation. For example, when looking at the translation of a word in the Tureng application, it shows you all the meanings of that word. But not so in the Google Translate app. When translating a word in the Google Translate application, it translates the commonly used meaning of that word.


    To sum it up, Google Translate is a good app for sentence translation. The Tureng application is a good application for word translation. The Google Translate app and the Tureng app may have some differences, but both are useful apps for translation.

